Vaccines: A note of optimism
With the news that several Covid-19 vaccines could be up and running within months, there is a note of optimism in the air.
Understandably we're told not to get too excited though,
as it's clear that it will be some time before we can get back to any kind of what we might call normal.
Last month we told you about how Drawnalism has adapted to this new world by focusing on our On the Air service , this time we want to talk about At the Studio.
This is another service that is provided virtually. It complements our other services, building on and developing further the visuals that we have created for you On the Air or In the Moment, and our clients also use it as a standalone service.
At the Studio helps you dig deeper with your visual communication,
creating bespoke, finished images and animations that
can work for you again and again.
Our team of Drawnalists bring lots of experience to the drawing board for At the Studio, and in many different areas. We have worked in traditional handmade illustration, infographics, video work, cartoons and caricature. Our work has been seen in a wealth of digital media, broadcasters, newspapers and magazines.
You can also use At the Studio to ensure you get the most out of your investment in our live services.
It can be used before your event or project, with our Drawnalists creating consistent branding that is distinctive and memorable and helps build anticipation. We create images for you to use on the day, while we get on with the business of recording your event.
At the Studio is also used as post-production after the event.
Images from the live, graphic recording can be used or reworked for your use in event recaps, videos, reports and other follow-ups, internally or on social media, or even on branded products, allowing you to get more value out of the event and your Drawnalism images.
Click the next image for some examples.
It's not all about events though. You may be holding fewer events during the Covid-19 crisis but still need to get your message across.
Our At the Studio service can be commissioned for traditional studio work, providing images for illustration, branding and video. Our distinctive visuals can also be delivered as animations, which are particularly great for boosting engagement.
All of this can be provided in a virtual way – distanced but never remote – as we head into 2021 and hopefully more of that much-needed optimism.