Drawing from distance

NRN Guidebook cover by Drawnalism

NRN Guidebook cover by Drawnalism

It has been a busy few weeks for us with a series of Drawnalism Illustration commissions but the first project has just rolled off the printers and is published.

ENRD NRN Guidebook 2014

ENRD NRN Guidebook 2014

It was a big project and our thanks to the smiley team at ENRD for the commission.

Coming up soon is an interesting project from UK journalism guru and hackademic Paul Bradshaw.

His Book ’Finding stories with Spreadsheets’ describes techniques for the best use of data to improve understanding - essential in all information-dependent businesses, including ours!

There's a handy ebookoffering too. Check it out!



This particular image was an early iteration of what became the final cover design. We should also tip our hats to Caroline Beavon, an excellent graphic designer, based in Birmingham, UK who also had a hand in getting Paul to the right answer for his latest book.