Making music - with OpenUK

We are very pleased to say we are putting our hands together with OpenUK, the not for profit advocacy organisation for open source technology, on their Kids’ Competition this summer.

There’s a fantastic opportunity to make magic and music - with a glove - using stitching, coding and more than a little bit of cool.

openuk awards_kidscompposter_03.png

We will be participtaing in ten online sessions for the teams of children from schools who are participating between the end of May and September.

“You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”
- Maya Angelou

At Drawnalism we’ve always recognised the truth in this quotation and ( coughs ) we even had a go at it ourselves using the MiMu Glove just now. ( We were not as good as this lady is though. )

2020-05-11 OpenUK competition and online camp.png

See you there!

Matthew BuckComment